A funny thing happened

The straw that broke my back

Not literally but for all intents and purposes, may as well have.  Years, yes, years ago this blog was started to document a journey towards health both physical, mental and financially (see what I did there, it’s a joke).  Anyway, nearly 3 years later I can say I’m worse off now than I was then.  My journey never happened.  I got in the way.  Old habits got in the way.  Doing it for the wrong reasons got in the way.  Not doing it right got in the way.  The list is long of why it didn’t happen.

Right now, at this moment I am suffering from some pretty gnarly back pain.  Probably the worst in over a year.  Just sitting straight is a task.  What brought me to this?  Well, I did.  What causes low back by and large?  Bad health.  Stress, anxiety, poor diet, obesity.  Lets see, check, check, check and…. check.

Stress is going to happen.  Anxiety is going to happen.  The things that I can and will control are my physical health.  I can choose what I put into my mouth.  I have lots of friends that go out of their way to live to eat (not fat friends but friends that loooove them some food).  I want to eat to live.  I want to put food into my body to sustain myself.  Sure, I love sweets and fast food.  I can have those but I have to treat them as just that; treats.

I can choose to exercise regularly.  I’ve recently switched back to my old gym in Griffin because working out at lunch time was AWESOME for like 2 months and then, it sucked.   I’m an evening worker outer.  Not in the morning, not at lunch.  The evening.

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

That sums it up, basically.  Right now I’m nowhere near where I want to be in life, personally that is.  I have the best wife and companion anyone could hope to have.  I have two insanely awesome, cute and crazy children that.  I have a job that I enjoy and well, just having a job these days is awesome.  We grow old.  Children grow up.  Careers change.  None of this lasts forever.  The point is that I want to control my destiny as much as possible.  Right now, it’s controlling me.  Fear, anxiety, anger and uncertainty is not a healthy way to face each day.

To get to where I want to be I have to make drastic yet entirely practical changes.  The first one that comes to mind is soft drinks.  I have to have to have to stop consuming them or at least cut back about 90%.

So, first on the list is just that.  Coke Zero, I love thee.  You are not right for me though.  I will see you in passing at the store or at a restaurant.  Know that I do enjoy your company and consuming you.  Know also that doing so is detriment to both of us.  We can, perhaps, see one another on a limited basis.  Farewell for now Coke Zero.  Farewell.

OK, my back is KILLING me so I’m not about to hit the gym and fight bears.  I have a list of nifty back strengthening exercises to do.  So first things first.  Gotta get my back healthy.  My feet have been hurting for months but guess what?  I’m overweight.  NO wonder they hurt! Duh?!

Other things that will follow:

  • Prepping lunches for the week
  • Prepping healthy snacks
  • Prepping clothes
  • Keeping the house clean and organized
  • More…

I’m putting my sore foot down!