Comics and randomness

Believe it or not, years and YEARS ago I used to draw.   A lot.  It’s like a muscle though.  If you don’t work it and practice at it, you get rusty.  Well, I did at least.  I still like to doodle but mostly I like to think of funny little stories or scenarios.  Something like SNL skits or anything along those lines.  I’ve doodled them before but never really did much with them.  I have TONS of comics I drew when I was in middle/high school.  Mind you, these are simple three panel comics – not X-men or Spiderman comics.  I wasn’t quite of that caliber.

I like to think of myself as more of  someone who’d write or help write the story.  So I’ve decided to take my zany ‘one liner’ thoughts and turn them into comic strips here and there.  They are crude stick figures but that means nothing.  The guy over at XKCD has some of the funniest (and cool) stuff I’ve ever seen and it’s predominantly stick figures.  Yes, I’m copying that style in that I’m not an exquisite artist.  I also don’t have time for that.  So little lumpy sticks will express my humor.

Well, today on the way to work we were talking about ‘s-exting’ and a funny thought popped into my head.  Here is that thought in ‘doodle’ form:

Bad idea!