What’s new in Space!

So very tired of politics.  So, I’m taking a break from that bantering.

Now, On to something far more fascinating: Space!  Lots of things going on in the next few months so lets get to one of them now.

There is a new show that will be showing on NatGeo this Sunday (11/02/08) at 8pm EST.  It’s called Five Years on Mars.  It chronicles the adventures of two tiny rovers that have been present, on Mars, for a combined 10 years (between the two of them).  They hold a special place in my heart since they were both launched the year my first son was born.  What is amazing about this?

They were sent to Mars on a 90-day mission, but almost five years later the rovers Spirit and Opportunity have traveled farther, seen more, and survived longer than anyone imagined possible, earning a place among the most prolific explorers in history.

These rovers were supposed to last 90 days or thereabouts.  That’s all that was required of them.  Hubble is to deep space as these rovers are to Mars.  That is of course in conjunction with  thr MRO (Mars Recon Observatory).  Having far exceeded their lifespan, Opportunity and Spirit have provided simply invaluable data about the red planet.

Leaving on a Delta II never to return to Earth again, these tiny ambassadors of Earth made the months long journey to endure the loneliest of missions.  In a place where most or all life would perish, the little robots pressed on.  Through a barrage of technical difficulties they pressed on, still.  They are still pressing on, to this day.  How long until they are rendered frozen by the inhospitable frozen desert?  I can only guess.

Perhaps one day, in the distant future, when man begins his travels to Mars, our paths with these rovers will cross again.  Imagine coming face to face with history.  Something our distant future ancestors will have to remind them of how far humanity has come.
